
The Message of Amos: The Day of the Lion is unavailable, but you can change that!

Amos observes the society in which he lived and worked. Affluence, exploitation, and profit motive were the most notable features everywhere. Standards were being compromised. People were despising authority and the rule of law. National leadership, while reeling in publicity and dignity of position, seemed to be contributing to the complete breakdown of law and order. J. Alec Motyer exposes and...

their privilege saving them, more will be required from those to whom more has been given; the greater the light the greater the risk. The church is not exempt from judgment; far from it, the judgment begins and rages most severely there. Secondly, past history cannot take the place of present spiritual and moral commitment. A stale testimony of what happened years ago is like a lesson in history. God looks for up-to-date commitment to Himself (5:6), to moral values (5:14, 15), to personal and social
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